Santa Clara, capital of the county of Villa Clara, was founded on July 15 1689. It is a region with great proximity to history, reflected mainly in Ernesto Che Guevara's figure and it preserves in each corner the memory of the revolutionary actions directed by him in this area. It is a city in ascent, with interesting traditions, growing tourist development, centennials cultural values and elevated scientific, industrial and social potential. In there stands out places of great historical value as the Ernesto Che Guevara Square, the marble-like Mausoleum where remains the rests of Ernesto Guevara and his Bolivian guerrilla's members, the Theatre of the Charity whose construction, of high patrimonial value, is an expression of the transfer of European styles by the XX century to the Caribbean environment; and more toward at the north it’s located Remedios, the eighth village been founded by the Spanish conquerors in Cuba and that is the cradle of the famous Sprees or popular parties that date of 300 years and where all December 24 the residents, divided according to their town, face at the compass of music.